Willkommen in Rossleben

Die Klosterschule Roßleben begrüßte kürzlich die erste Austauschschülerin im Rahmen unserer Round Square-Mitgliedschaft: Die armenische Schülerin Anush wird insgesamt vier Wochen bei uns lernen und in einer liebevollen Gastfamilie unweit von der Schule leben. Mehr über ihre Eindrücke und Erlebnisse findet ihr hier:
My first week here was nothing but happy, exciting, promising, and surprising. Now that I’ve had at least one lesson from all the subjects in my school I can see the difference between the Armenian school system and the German one. The people and the students are amazing, already managed to make some friends here, and despite all the cultural differences and my poor German we always managed to understand each other. Something about the people here inspires me, it’s how confident and at the same time easy they are. The students work hard in school and have great manners and education. The teachers also. They care for the students, but at the same time don’t let them forget that they are the teachers. They pass the information in many ways and methods, which makes every lesson and every subject more unique and more interesting. One of my many favorite things about the school system here is the shift to technology. I was impressed to see how the right technology and opportunities are being used here. Teachers have monitors instead of whiteboards, which makes it easy to share and keep information. Books aren’t the only source of information, they often do research, or teachers prepare their notes to share with the class, with filtered important information. My favorite part about education here is how soon it starts. Schools here start at 7:50 and end mostly at 2 pm, which lets students have a life even after school. They meet each other after school, have fun and still manage to do all their homework. After school, I managed to get to know life better here at Rossleben. It is a small city, but that’s the fun of it. I come from the capital city, and the peace that I found in nature and silence here has made me love this city. At first, I was surprised but now I love having frogs next door, there is never anything like that in Armenia. One of the other many things that I was impressed by was how free were the other teenagers here that are my age. They ride motorbikes or bicycles to other cities, even if it’s a bit far. A few days ago, I traveled to Weimar with only other 3 students from Klosterschule Rossleben, without any parents or teachers. The family where I’m staying is also amazing. Not only do I have a great room with a TV and a couch, but I also have great host parents who never resist helping me or teaching me more about Germany and its culture. And having a host sister who is my age and with lots of mutual interests as me, gave me the idea that I am living in the same house with a friend, which probably everyone dreamed of. I did. She drove me on her motorbike and helped me with every question I ever had. And I too introduced them to the Armenian culture. I was able to bring some Armenian goods with me like “Sujukh” or our Armenian chocolate, our Armenian cognac, and else. I was both surprised and sad to find out that some here didn’t even know where Armenia was, that we had our letters and so. But still found a few teachers who has been to Armenia after they told me how much they loved the country I was happy that at least someone knew. One of the teachers even had a project done in Armenia. I also had a presentation about Armenia and noticed how much the students, and the audience was amused by the Armenian traditions, holidays, food, and else. Some of them even wished to visit Armenia someday.